Wednesday 29 August 2007


yea. it's like the 4th day bitch. haha
good luck for your paper tomorrow :)

anyway, i am damn confused now. How. it's like a step further, i will die. I step back and i will die too. 进退两难.
I'd never have been in such a situation if not for someone. haha. but never mind, i shall just treat the person as a stranger from now on and fully utilized the one month :)
someone who doesn't practise what he preaches is such a *i dunno wat*
oh well. what can i do? write songs and cry all day for that person? No way. never.
i gave someone the last chance. apparently, it just comes to show that how fragile the friendship could be. perhaps things were never meant to be this way in the first place. or maybe that is just the bridge connecting the previous chapter to the next chapter.
whatever it is, it is the most beautiful, yet terrible, but thank god, shortest chapter.

oh ya, and i saw HQ's post. omfg. haha
time really flies.
i really wondered what my life will be like if i din join TPJC. and Student Council.
though as much as i hate these choices, i dun really regret them as i made like damn close buddies and friends in the school. and i feel so like listing them now. :) and it's like only a few more days left before school ends. awww.

  • HongQi
  • Kelvin
  • Daryl
  • Michelle
  • Jialin

they really helped me through a lot of stuff yea. haha. well. dunno lah. i feel so weird now. and omg, i wanna kill someone or something. haha.

and random-ness was the thing in my mind today. i made a list of things that i want to do before 30. haha. here it is. :)

  1. write a book
  2. earn my first million bucks
  3. appear on TV
  4. get married and have 2 kids. :) one guy and one gal prefably.
omg. total randomness. Go study, ivan.

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