Friday 10 August 2007

Revenge : physical #1 *POKE*

anyway, the following is just a say. it doesn't mean i will do it. i m just joking abt this. like i will have the guts to do it? haha.
so yah. and if u dun like to read this kind of stuff, shoo. :)

well. i classified my revenge into a few parts.
physical and mental.
this shall be the 1st post of the revenge series. :)
fret not, unless you are one of the 20 -people in my list,that somehow,
i will reveal slowly in this blog. =p
worrying? haha. anyway, the number will NEVER decrease, and no doubt it will increase. :)

physically, we can do many things to a person.
ranging from the head to toe.
i will make sure all parts are fully utilized. :)

anyway, this is the first way of revenge through physical means :)
  1. have a bed of sharp needles.
  2. those needles that when brought close to you, you will like immediately feel the "no no no" feeling.
  3. yea. and hang the person suspending in the air like 5 cm away from that bed. pulling him up and down. making him scared and all his hair stand.
  4. then after say like 5 minutes of 'fun', show him on TV what his family and friends want to tell him and make a recording of his pathetic state, and post up on Youtube. :)
  5. then finally, from say a height of 10cm? cut of the rope that's suspending him and make him drop on the bed of needles. if you're wondering why 10 cm instead of 10m, there's a reason, cause, c'mon, we dun want him to die so early right? haha
  6. so, he's supposedly poked with all those needles in pain. carry him out, and put him on another bed. a nice one. :)
  7. then use salt and pepper, and apply it all over his body, oh ya. he should be tied up on all 4 ends :)
  8. Use a hammer and then hit like nobody's business on the knee caps. hehe.
  9. then, after that, i think he shouldn't be so strong. haha.
  10. or if he still is, stab him in the mouth with 3 kitchen knives, and move the knives around, making his mouth wider than his ass. :)
  11. i believe, he's gone by now. and the world will be rid of another bad man. :)

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